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I Hate Scary Fish

Posted on April 14 at 10:37 p.m.

Punchy bought a new fishing rod today and asked me to go fishing with him. "Fishing is a lot more fun if you have someone to talk with." Punchy cast his line into the water. While he was fishing, we discussed questions of philosophy, such as, Why is the sky blue?

It steadily began raining as Punchy fished for hours, searching for the coelacanth. "I love fishing," he said, "but I'm starting to get discouraged. And wet." Rain continued to pour. Punchy felt a tug and pulled a fish out of the ocean. "Another sea bass?! Ugh." He threw the fish back into the water. I was sitting dry under a pear tree, but Punchy was becoming soaking wet. "I need to take a break. Here. You fish now." He handed me the fishing rod and sat under the tree, shaking off the water.

"Okay, my turn," I said, nervously. I cast the line into the water. Nothing happened for a few minutes, but then I felt a tug and saw the bobber dip. I hesitated for a short moment, but then I pulled really hard. Out of the water came flying the horrible, atrocious, ghastly, demon fish! "AIEEEEEE!" It landed in my hands. I screamed as I threw it back into the ocean; the connected fishing rod followed.

"Noooooooo!" wailed Punchy, who was running toward me. He grabbed me by the shoulders. "That was it! You just let the coelacanth go!"

2 comment(s):

Ice the frosty cat said...

Silly Brandon. Next time, use glue to keep your hands on the pole.

Brandon said...

Whoa, what a good idea! While I'm buying a new fishing rod for Punchy tomorrow, I'll ask Nook if he has any glue.

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