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Posted on April 15 at 8:08 p.m.

Punchy and I went to Nook's store today to get a fishing rod to replace the one I lost. I asked Nook if he sold glue, but he said he didn't.

"What do you want glue for?" asked Punchy.

"If I glue the fishing rod to my hands, then I can't throw it into the river!"

"That's a weird idea," said Punchy, "but let's give it a try. I have some glue we can use." We went to his house and got some glue out of the cabinet. Punchy oozed it into my hand.

"Good," I said, rubbing my palms together, getting them all gluey. "Let's go catch that stupid fish." I opened the door to go out, but my hand got glued to the door knob, and I spent most of the day stuck in Punchy's doorway.

2 comment(s):

Punchy said...

Now my door knob is all sticky and gross...

Ice the frosty cat said...

Okay, so clearly glue isn't working. What about duct tape? That won't stick your hands to the doorknob, and you won't let go of the rod! Genius!

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