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Fishing Tourney

Posted on April 11 at 8:01 p.m.

A beaver named Chip set up a tent near town hall today. He would be judging the fishing tourney. Whoever could catch the biggest fish would win. I told him I didn't have a fishing rod, so he gave me one for free, just so long as I promised to give him lots of tasty fish to judge.

Punchy and I fished this afternoon in the rain, and I was getting jealous because he kept getting lots of sea bass so I picked up a big juicy worm off of the ground and stuck it onto my fishing hook and threw that into the water. A few minutes later, I felt a big tug on my line, so I pulled really hard, and out of the water came a BIG SCARY MONSTER FISH!

I got scared, so I threw it back in the water.

"What!?! Why did you do that??" Punchy asked. He looked shocked. "That was a coelacanth! The rarest fish of all! We'll never see one of those again!"

"Oh well," I said, "We'll just catch him tomorrow."

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